What are "places" on my map?
Usually that means your map had visits from different cities. If it says 10 places, then people from 10 different cities visited your map.

What are "views" on my map?
That's the number of times the map was loaded. If 10 people from the same city saw your map, you would have 1 place and 10 views. If 10 people from 10 cities saw your map, you would have 10 places and 10 views.

What does the -0500 refer to in the time stamp?
It's the number of hours the time is different from GMT.

WHy does my map just show a country, like ,,United States?
Some ISPs allocate the same IP addresses across the entire country rather than in regional areas.

It says I'm in a different place than I really am!
Maploco can usually figure out what city you're in, but sometimes it will show a nearby city.

Visited Places Maps: US States, Countries, Europe, Canadian Provinces - More coming soon!

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