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Stuttgart, Germany11
Samara, Russian Federation101
Orenburg, Russian Federation19
Ramat Gan, Israel304
Varna, Russian Federation5
Bet Nehemya, Israel1
Or Yehuda, Israel11
Balakovo, Russian Federation43
Togliatti, Russian Federation17
Moscow, Russian Federation4,698
Donetsk, Russian Federation2
Noyabrsk, Russian Federation6
Rostov-on-don, Russian Federation269
Nicosia, Cyprus4
Haifa, Israel293
Gostomel, Ukraine1
Beit-shemesh, Israel4
Petrodvorets, Russian Federation1
Pompton Plains, NJ, United States1
Kfar Saba, Israel82
Holon, Israel114
Berlin, Germany40
Rishon Le Zion, Israel148
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