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86 views in past 24 hours - 1,517,126 views in past 2.5 years | all time

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Ashburn, VA, United States4,152
Reghin, Romania491
Vác, Hungary7,044
Nagyhalász, Hungary88
Nürnberg, Germany378
Balatonlelle, Hungary206
Csomád, Hungary546
Brooklyn, NY, United States2,802
Trnava, Slovakia900
Stuttgart, Germany810
Pomáz, Hungary1,723
Mering, Germany130
Zalau, Romania1,802
Siklós, Hungary2,026
Menlo Park, CA, United States14,925
Leduc, AB, Canada239
Boydton, VA, United States335
Auckland, New Zealand40
Veresegyház, Hungary2,670
Alsópáhok, Hungary463
Oroszlány, Hungary673
Miskolc, Hungary15,036
MD, United States104
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